A few words about reflexology

Reflexology is a modern and continuously evolving science, based on ancient knowledge. Its origins certainly go back to prehistoric times, when a man accidentally discovered the soothing effect of foot massage on his well-being. No documentation was carried out at the time, but such a start seems most likely. In the following millennia, using conscious pressure on certain areas of the feet was deliberate. It was known in ancient China, India as well as in Egypt. Indeed, it was the documentation from the lands of the Pharaohs, or more precisely, from the characteristic wall engravings carved in the tomb of the famous Egyptian doctor in Saqqara, which provided confirmation that reflexology was widely used in that area.

Contemporary reflexology has sprouted from old roots, more than four thousand years after the events in Egypt, giving rise to a new and more precise science and art, which is the skilful “movement” along the feet, hands and face.

Many scientists have rediscovered the healing effect of exerting pressure on specific points on the feet, but a significant milestone was actually made by William FitzGerald, who worked with a number of doctors and conducted numerous studies. In 1913, he rediscovered reflexotherapy, which he called “foot zone therapy”, and four years later he published a book under the same title. Two years later, in the immediate post World War I period, Dr. Joseph Shelby Riley published his discoveries, which contributed to the development of reflection zones in the hands and feet.

However, the mother of reflexology is considered Eunice Ingham, who continued the research of her predecessors. In the early 1930s she began to create a foot map and in 1938 she published her first book, “Stories the Feet Can Tell Thru Reflexology”. And now our story begins.

Foot maps, although very precise, are constantly refined. Indeed, it is apparent that a lot depends on the order, angle and pressure. Therefore, moving along the foot must be carefully planned and done professionally.

Reflexology is a developing science. Many world scientists are conducting research on the impact of reflexology on the body and human health. Reflexology is also an art since its effectiveness depends mainly on the knowledge and skills of the reflexologist himself.

The science of reflexology is based upon the principle that the human organism, especially the feet, hands and face, contains areas that correspond to specific organs, glands and other parts of the body. Proper stimulation of these points on the foot, called reflexes, can naturally help with health problems, restoring balance and awakening the innate human potential of self-healing.

Reflexology is broadly acknowledged and performed in the world. In the UK, reflexology treatments are widely practiced as a non-invasive, complementary method, used both in hospitals, hospices and nursing homes, as well as by private individuals. People often use the services of experienced reflexologists because each session leaves them feeling deeply relaxed.

The vast majority of diseases can be related to stress, and reflexology can relieve it. Besides, a properly performed treatment can stimulate blood and lymph circulation, relax and soothe tension, which is why this method is suitable for both infants and the elderly. Nevertheless, it should be born in mind that the aim of reflexology is not to treat or diagnose specific conditions, but rather to promote better health and support well-being.

Reflexology can also be used as a method of self-healing, which can be very beneficial for your health and well-being, as well as help you fight various addictions.

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